Fotos from Joshua Tree 08(OA training trip and FAST retreat).

Thursday, July 2, 2009

1000th website view!

Some fun statistics on people visiting my foto blog!

Page views: 1000

Countries: 15 (including Australia, New Zealand, France, South Korea, Spain, Mexico, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, Russia, Brazil, Malaysia, England, and Greece!)

Cities: 105

Thanks for all your visits and I will do my best to keep you entertained!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rated R for animal nudity

Picture 179, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

I didn't realize how explicit this picture was until I was editing it. Excited to see me much?

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: November 1st, 2007


Picture 172, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

A wallaby smelling his hands in a field near our hut. I was amazed at how well they blended into their environment.

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: November 1st, 2007

Rocky icesicle

Picture 154 gray, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

Or icy rocksicle? This was a crag off the summit of Barn Bluff with a good landscape background.

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: October 31st, 2007

What a name

Picture 131 gray, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

Barn Bluff. I seriously wonder who named these mountains.

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: October 31st, 2007 (Halloween in Tazmania!)

Color or no color?

Picture 058 gray, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

Stone path on the way to the summit of Mt. Ossa. Do prefer it in grayscale or color?

Here's a link to the color original (with a fellow hiker, but you get the gist): http://www.flickr.com/photos/sbauer810/2139423768/in/set-72157603550307984/

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: October 29th, 2007

Leading lines to nowhere

Picture 003, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

Playing around with leading lines (the dock) disappearing into the lake.

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: October 27th, 2007

The sky is on fire!

Picture 020, originally uploaded by Scott_Bauer.

These are some of the most vibrate clouds at sunset that I've ever seen. I couldn't really capture it with a camera but I did my best to contrast the orange sky against the eucalyptus trees.

Where: Tazmania, Australia
When: October 29th, 2007